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The Art of Living – 4

1. The conflict in the world is because people are either stuck in their identity & die for it, or shy away from their identity & loose their roots.

2. You can never meet God. When you meet God, you disappear, only God remains. Either there can be God or there can be you.

3. A master is a symbol of security, love and a sign of great wealth. Being with the Guru is like being with one’s higher self.

4. Every little atom of your body is made up of love & that is what is God. Do not think God is sitting somewhere in heaven. God is here & now!

5. Prayer is not just sitting and saying so many words, but is being in that serene, calm, meditative state.

6. If your mind is bogged down with too many impressions and thoughts, your resistance is drained and your body is prone to illness.

7. Just wake up and see; you are rich! Do you have a smile? Then you are rich!

8. Comfort is a quality of consciousness. To some degree it does depend on matter, but to a greater degree it depends on attitude & understanding.

9. Samadhi is being completely immersed in the mystery of life and the creation.

10. Reverence is the nature of evolved consciousness. The more happy you are, the more reverence you have for everything.

11. As the moon waxes & wanes, you experience feelings accordingly. Pleasant feelings come & go, unpleasant feelings come & go.

12. Jai Guru Dev means let the greatness, bigness in me win over the small little chattering mind.

13. Don’t seek guidance for your life, let life guide you. Your life is so insignificant, so what guidance do you seek?

14. Violence is removing the emotion.

15. A master is a symbol of security, love and a sign of great wealth. Being with the Guru is like being with one’s higher self.


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