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Large File Upload

Recently I faced a big problem with large file uploads. One of my client has a Centos5  dedicated server. I created a script for Video upload and conversion. I also added a progress bar to show file upload progress. This progress bar has limit of 100MB because of flash limitation. Everything was working fine for files less than 50MB, but as size grows the upload hangs on 20 – 30%.. I did every thing in php.ini and apache.conf but nothing helped. I wrote to server admin at least 50 times and finally they giveup! Now I has no solution.

I start searching on net and found uberUploader. This is the most comprehensive uploader available on net. You don’t even need to set php.ini settings, because the uploading part handled by Perl. This resolved my problem. Now I can upload 1GB file This has a bunch of uploading configuration option. This also has nice progress bar.

Finally end of 1 month long problem.. Thanx uberUploader!!


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