jQuery and Me…
I use mootools for all JS related tasks. Mootools is good library but has very limited support and few plugin available on net (most of you are not agree of this but it’s my openion based on 2 year exp with mootools) .
So I decided to move on to another framework. There is many JS toolkits available.
etc.. much much more
But these are key players. I selected jQuery among these frameworks.. Why? because It has gr8 support good community and top of all, has rich plug-in directory.
To go through jQuery I am reading Learning jQuery 1.3 By Jonathan Chaffer and Karl Swedberg. Its comprehensive book for beginners. I recommend you to read that if you want to play well with jQuery.
jQuery has rich set of selectors. you can also define custom selectors. jQuery has unique chaining support which makes development faster. I hope the jQuery and me will cover a long distance togather. Let’s see… 😉
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good article